Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why people write

I heard an interesting story recently about a boy who received a book from a girl he knew in school a few years ago (though they were not particularly close, according to him), but with whom he never really kept in touch, busy with his own life. How she obtained his address, he doesn’t know, but he thinks it was through friends of friends of friends. Anyway, the book was one of her own (self-published, or what, I do not know) with a personal message inside: I am a published author now, what about you?

Was it a challenge, a brag, revenge, or simply an inquiry -- nothing to say but, “What a day, how is your boyfriend?”

This brings us to 'why people write'. Although getting rich is still the prime motivator, fame, even if only as a dilettante, is a close second. Certainly, there are many who "simply must write”, though in most case the infatuation soon passes. Even so, this adds one more reason to the list. It is often said that everyone has a story within, to which others have, cynically, replied, “Perhaps, it should remain there.” Still, many want to write.

Obviously there are many forms of writing: for newspapers, magazines and websites, or, blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. But, the most curious of all is the need to get published -- to get a book out before one is sixteen, or twenty-one, or whenever, or just get one out. Is it the pull of immortality, knowing that a book is not transient, not ephemeral, that it has more than the one day lifespan of a newspaper story, or even a blog? Is it the burning desire to make the world a better place? To tell others how to lead their lives? Or is it about putting yourself out there, stark naked, for every one to gaze at, criticise and laugh. It is scary.

Why this strange affectation?

I read this on the internet: “Young people when asked what they want to do in life rarely give a sensible answer, firefighter, racing driver or rock star, spring to mind. However, an alarming number reply ‘a writer’ simply because they are under the illusion they could be creative in that profession or medium ... People believe writing requires no special talent, but is something humanity and human beings in general are able to do.”

Writing requires no special talent. Ah, how often have we met people who profess that. Then, there are those who consider themselves to be very special indeed (albeit, grievously misunderstood), even if they really aren’t, or are only marginally so. There are some who are certainly exceptionally talented but prefer (or remain trapped in) other things for various reasons. But, there are those who enjoy telling stories, spinning a good yarn, besides reading them. They make up stories for their children, their grandchildren, and for their friends and family.

This an extract from another article on the internet: “People start writing books as a way of putting their thoughts or ideas into words. They might also feel the urge to let others know what they are thinking. Some might be avid readers, who might want to venture out into the field of writing. There might also be people who want their ideology to be shared or sometimes even forced down on people's minds ...”


We know that many want to be writers, for whatever reason, but few succeed. Obviously, knowing what you want to do -- that is, write -- is insufficient. There is, obviously, the next step. How? How does one go about doing it? Writing classes and workshops? These will certainly top the list on many minds, and it is undeniable that one can learn a few ‘tricks of the trade’ there. But, there is also the danger of becoming serial course attendees. We know of many.

Actually the first ‘how’ is pretty basic. Don’t talk about writing, don’t think about writing, just write. Everyday. Every single day. If one wants to become a concert pianist, can one achieve one’s goal by not practising the scales for several hours everyday? For years? Answer this truthfully: when was the last time you wrote something creatively? When you were fifteen years old in school, trying to impress your friends? When you were ten, trying to impress your parents? Betty Edwards says that the average adult has the drawing skills of a twelve-year-old, because that was the last time they were allowed to draw creatively. Go figure.

The second is also very basic. Read. Yes, read, read, read and read. Not one book, not two books. Hundreds, thousands. In all subjects. By as many authors as you can. Far too many want to become authors after reading only one book. Can one become a concert pianist if one has listened only to one piece of music, or not at all?

The third ‘how’ is time. Yes, give it time. Say, you are 35 years old, and the last time you did a creative piece of work was when you were 15. And, the only thing you have done creatively since is fill up your income tax form. Now, you have twenty years of catching up to do. While it is not going to take you that long to write, you are not going to achieve anything much in the next two weeks, two months, or even two years.

Now that you have decided that you want to become a writer, and you know how you are going to go about becoming one, there still remains one major hurdle. Absolutely, the most important one. Why? Yes, why do you want to write? If your answer is fame and fortune, please join the queue -- there are only fifty million people ahead of you. And while you are at it, go buy yourself a lottery -- you will have a far better chance of winning the jackpot.

You write because you have to write. Why does Farish A Noor write? To become rich and famous? He writes because of the fire that burns within. Shih-Li Kow, too, writes to douse those same flames, though she prefers fiction. And Salleh ben Joned. And Karim Raslan ... they write because they think they have something to say, something important. They write about the world they want to live in. They write about their wishes, their dreams. They write about hope, even when they laugh about it, or cry in despair. Time and air and light and space have, really, nothing to do with it.

And finally, there is kiasu, afraid to lose, takut kalah. If you do something, there is a chance you may lose. If you do nothing, you cannot lose. Really? It this the Malaysian malaise, or is the reverse true? Takut menang. Are we so terrified of winning, of being relevant, that we can only subsume ourselves in mediocrity? If we want a world record, we choose a sport that no one else plays: tossing roti canai. If we want the world’s tallest building, we buy it.

Is takut menang what the badminton team suffers from?

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... an alexendrian cut on the gordian cord known as the art of writing... so much so, its one of the few times i have nothing left to say but "I agree...." . Bravo.
