Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A literary blogger shuts down

So why is that news? One would think bloggers, literary or otherwise, open and shut daily without a world war breaking out. But the demise of the Return of the Reluctant by Edward Champion after four years (2003 to 2007) is talked about as if it were an end of an era. On his last posting on 18th December 2007 he says, "I filed for divorce from Return of the Reluctant, citing irreconcilable differences ... I'm a different person now ... When something stops being fun, it's pretty easy to become decisive." He also says, "I may be back. Old habits die hard." and "For now, however, I’m done with blogging. And I’m serious this time." How is that for keeping your options open?

Edward Champion continues, "... Reluctant was more of a chore. Often a thankless one. A daily grind in which I regularly asked myself why I wasn’t putting this kind of energy into the novel I’ve been working on …"

Personally, I do not read the blogs of any kind. This has become a point of contention, unfortunately. Blogging is the in-thing, if not a very new thing. (Sometimes it looks like bloggers outnumber readers. Or, are they one and the same?) Will you read my blog? used to be one of the most frequently asked question directed at me. (Now it is, Will you join my Facebook? Or some such.) I have decided to respond to all this with a completely non-committal smile, now. I used to tell them that I didn't have the time but after seeing some of the shocked expressions to my answer, like I had just confessed to murdering a favourite aunt or something, I have decided to change tactics. I have become aware of other thing in the blogosphere as well. There are lots of 'blog cliques' out there and they, apparently, can get quite vicious. So by not reading any blog, I can try to keep equidistant, or so I think. But that has not stopped some parties from believing that I should side with their 'righteous' cause, as oppose to the 'lies' spread by some others. So, it has been a 'no win' for me.

I believe, from the way people talk, that blogs can get quite addictive. Before I do anything I ask myself, 'Why do I want to do this?' If I cannot get a satisfactory answer, I don't do it. Simple. (That’s why I don't play golf -- no good answer, but a lot of bad ones). I am sure there is some interesting stuff out there for some people -- as I am sure there is one on Tiddlywinks -- but I really cannot afford to get screen-sucked into anything right now, or any time in the foreseeable future. (Though some may say that, being the egomaniac I am, I prefer my own opinions – and every one knows just how opinionated I am!) I also have a short attention span.

Anyway, I was curious about Reluctant. So I decided to look at the comments on the last posting to see what the big deal was. Here are some comments:

Who will keep the New York Times Book Review on its toes, now?

How dare you ruin my morning ritual of reading lit blogs and drinking coffee! I might take up smoking in its stead.

Aw, damn. you're one of my favorite cranks.

... Anyway, bettter you sweat and strain over stuff that pays than that which don't ...

There are plenty more ... (yawn) but I just got tired.

The Return of the Reluctant

1 comment:

  1. erm ... this is not a blog then???

    i read you. you're addictive.

    yeah, you must be a blog.

    welcome back,anyway.
